“破五”這一天,人們最在意的一件事情就是“送窮迎財”,即智窮、學(xué)窮、文窮、命窮、交窮,民間把這五窮稱(chēng)之為五窮鬼,大家會(huì )用不同的習俗將這五窮送走,比如在陜西韓城一帶,大家會(huì )炒麻豆,將豆子炒到噼里啪啦作響,意思就時(shí)把壞的運氣“崩走”。當然除了送窮之外,這5件事,破五一定不要忘。
據說(shuō)正月初五是財神的生日,從這一天凌晨開(kāi)始,人們就開(kāi)始相繼迎財神,普通人家會(huì )給財神供上水果,面條或者餃子,在燒香求拜,燃放鞭炮以此求得財運,而且給財神貢過(guò)的吃食,再讓家里人吃,來(lái)年財運一定會(huì )旺。
從除夕開(kāi)始到正月初四,通常是不會(huì )打掃房子的,尤其是掃地,老一輩人認為會(huì )把財運掃走,而到了破五這一天,就要由內到外把垃圾掃成一個(gè)堆,然后放上鞭炮,點(diǎn)然后噼里啪啦,這樣不好的運氣都會(huì )一掃而光,剩下的便是財氣和福氣。
正月初五這一天,家家戶(hù)戶(hù)都會(huì )燃放鞭炮,而且鞭炮越響越長(cháng),寓意就越好,代表著(zhù)把窮運,以及各種不吉利都能轟去,有人還會(huì )燃放二踢腳,也叫“崩窮”,把晦氣和窮氣統統都崩掉。有些商戶(hù)在初五這一天也會(huì )正式營(yíng)業(yè),放一串鞭炮,寓意今天財源滾滾。
Welcome the God of wealth on the fifth day of the lunar new year. In order to make a good fortune, we should make a good fortune in all directions;
to raise and accumulate wealth, we should increase it year by year; to attract wealth, we should make a good fortune; to make a good fortune,
we should congratulate ourselves on making a good fortune. God of wealth day, meet God of wealth, wealth, prosperity!
2.大年初五,問(wèn)個(gè)好。財神到,喜氣繞。財神罩,財源翹。家和諧,煩惱少。前程美,收入高。事業(yè)興,仕途高。風(fēng)雨順,收成好。事如愿,樂(lè )逍遙。
Say hello on the fifth day of the lunar new year. When the God of wealth arrives, he is happy. The God of wealth covers the source of wealth.
Family harmony, less trouble. The future is beautiful and the income is high. A prosperous career leads to a high official career. Good harvest.
If you want to, you will be happy.
On the fifth day of the lunar new year, we have met the God of wealth. Congratulations on fortune!
On the fifth day of the first month, the fifth God of wealth comes to transport wealth. In the southeast, northwest and middle, wealth will gather in your home.
On the fifth day of the lunar new year, worship the God of wealth and welcome the five road God of wealth
East to send happiness and health, West to send money, South to send home and happy, north to send all the best.
The fifth day of the first month: Firecrackers snatch the God of wealth, and gold, silver and jewelry are sent in. On the annual God of wealth day, there are many sources of wealth and long life
On the fifth day of the first lunar month, every household's wealth is rolling
Welcome the God of wealth on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year
Welcome the God of wealth on the fifth day of the year. I wish you all a good fortune every day
According to folklore, the birthday of the God of wealth is the fifth day of the first month, so "breaking the fifth day" has become an auspicious day for the people to welcome the God of wealth, especially the merchants.
According to the traditional custom, people should stick up the God of wealth and worship him.
The fifth day of the first lunar month is a particularly important day in the first lunar month, also known as "break five".
Many taboos before the lunar new year can be broken on this day, so it has the name.
In the past, to welcome the new year, there were many rules and taboos from New Year's Eve to the fifth day of the lunar new year, but by the fifth day of the lunar new year, it means that these can be broken.
People get up early in the morning, set off firecrackers and clean up.
財神爺也會(huì )英語(yǔ),真是全世界的都有財神。
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